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3 best chicken recipes for a delicious dinner-INIPLO

juillet 30, 2017

             3- best chicken recipes for a delicious dinner

   Chicken Breasts Stuffed with Spinach and Feta:

 Ingredients :

  • - 500g Spinach 
  • - 75g Feta Cheese crumbled 
  • - 4 Chicken Breasts
  • - Oil 
  • - 80ml Goats or Soya Cream 
  • - 60g Non Dairy Fat 
  • - 2 tbsp flour
  • - 250ml Chicken Stock
  • - 250ml White Wine 
  • - Parsley


 -Add washed spinach to pan, cook stirring until just wilted drain
well, and cool.
 -Combine spinach and feta cheese in bowl. 
 -Cut pocket in the side
of chicken breasts, fill with the cheese and spinach mixture.
 -Secure with cocktail sticks or metal skewers. Place in a dish and drizzle over the oil and cook in a moderate oven for about ½ hour depending on size of chicken breasts.
 Melt non dairy fat in a saucepan, add flour. 
Gradually stir
in stock and wine until sauce boils and thickens.
Remove from
heat and blend in the cream and parsley and pour over the
chicken breasts. 

        Chicken Ratatouille


  • 2 chicken Brests
  • 1 Red Pepper
  • 1 Yellow Pepper
  • 1 Orange Pepper
  • 2 Courgettes sliced
  • 1 Aubergine
  • Onion (as tolerated)
  • Garlic (as tolerated)
  • Ginger
  • Oil
  • Coriander

Preparation :

 - Cut up all Vegatables and place in a shallow roasting dish. Place chicken on top.
 - Sprinkle with ginger and oil and place in oven to cook.
 - Variation:- you could just before the end of cooking add cubes
of Feta Cheese and a few olives. 

         Chicken Pesto

 ingredients :

  • 2 Boneless Skinless Chicken Breasts
  • 1 Tin of Artichoke Hearts
  • 1 small tray of Button Mushrooms
  • 1 Packet of Spinach
  • 1 Jar of Pesto Sauce
  • 1 Tin of Chick Peas
  • Oil


- Cut chicken breasts into pieces and sauté in the saucepan with the oil.
- Once the chicken has cooked remove it from the pan. Sauté
the mushrooms, add artichoke hearts and cook these until
slightly softened.
 Add chicken and pesto sauce, ¼ cup water and chick peas and then add spinach until just wilted.

hobbies only the rich can offerd- INIPLO

juillet 30, 2017


   Everyone has a hobby, that he spent his free time doing it , but only the rich are able to do some beautiful activities . Let's discover some rich hobbies

  •          Travel around the world 

It's not as easy as you think, to have a good and a memorable trip, you need money for three things, flight tickets, a place of residence and food. additionally, that you most visit several countries such as CHINA, INDIA, FRENSH, ITALIY, MORROCO, EGYPT, MEXICO... ! All this, just to make a real trip around the world, just to visit famous beautiful world cities and just to Enjoy a beautiful natural landscape.In fact, you need from 100,000$ to 1Milion $ to enjoy your hobby, you will lose your money and your time because to travel around the world, perhaps it will take a year (at least 2 years).So, You should rearrange your selections, this hobby only the richest one in the world (BILL GATES) could afford.
For me, it is better to visit my grandmother, it cost me only $ 3 for the taxi. HHH

  •           Collecting antiques

  There is a few percentage of people prefer spending her free time to collect antique things such as Jewelry, old books and Old gadgets... .They usually look for new antiques, and they could buy it Whatever its price. mostly we found those persons Precise a fair place for their antiques, And they do not let anyone touch them. it's a very good hobby, but in some situations it's can be expensive.( antiques price + transport expenses).
In some rare situations, we found persons who take collection antique not like a hobby, but like a job. they spend all her time searching for the best and cheaper antiques, to seal it with a good price.. but the success percentage 9alila. Everyone according to his intelligence and his Luck

  •            Car racing 


      99% of those who like this hobby are young boys (16-30 years), One of the important necessities of this hobby is a car. in order to play well you need suitable car, Which are characterized by every specification of a good racing car speed, good Brakes, Strong engine, Car Design... ! dear readers, I collect for you specifically this list to have an idea about the price, and type of suitable car for racing

Now, you have the perfect car you also need the ring (perhaps you need also clothes for the race), probably you need from 30,000 $ to 100,000$ to enjoying with this hobby
Another point of view, that this hobby can be risky, So be careful And do not be reckless

  •            skydiving

    This hobby has two types of Amateurs.
   First one: the real amateurs that means, they  always do it in all their free time spent it on  skydiving, those needing only a plane,  parachute, specific clothes... . You need 150-500  $ for each jump. there is another idea, why don't  joying a skydiving club and pay monthly  subscription instalments will not cost you much
  Second One: THose are who jump one time  during a long time, in specific occasion, for      example, Celebration of graduation,  honeymoon, holiday... !

  •          yachting 

at recent days, the yacht manufacturing know a high evolve that the return for the high percentage of buying, It has become a habit for the rich to possess a yacht. The yacht prise goes between 35,000$ and 750,000$! There is some yacht for 1 million $. You need also the Fuel for every trip. So it's just for rich

Two of the best healthy soups for dinner- INIPLO

juillet 29, 2017

                Spring onion creamy chiken soup

 Ingredients :

  • 2-pieces chiken fillet
  • 3-tablespoon butter
  • 2-stalks green onion , chopped with leaves
  • 2-cloves gralic,minced
  • 2_3- meduim mushrooms, chopped
  • (1/4)- cup flour
  • 1-bay leaf
  • 1- cup water
  • 2- cups chiken stock
  • 1- teaspoons salt
  • (1/4)- teaspoons black pepper 
  • 1- 250 ml pack thick cream 
  • toasted bread,chopped green onion 


1- cut chiken fillet into small cubes.
2- heart butter in a large heavy-based pan: add chiken cubes and cook (3-4) minutes until golden brown.
3 -Add onion,gralic and mushrooms, cook (2-3) minutes stirring, over low heat until onions is light golden brown
4- Stir in flour and cook for 1 minutes
5 -add bay leaf , water, stock , slat, and white pepper. Stir well and bring to boil . Cover the pan . Reduce heat and simmer 10-15 minutes until chiken is cooked and soup is thick
6- add the thick Cream , heat thoroughly until soup is creamy and smooth. Ladle in soup bowls and top with toasted bread and onion

                   Creamy lentil soup 

 Ingredients :

  • 1- cup red lentils
  • 4- tablspoons butter
  • 1- large onion, chopped
  • 2_3 cloves gralic, sliced
  • 2- medium tomatoes, quartered
  • 2- cups water
  • 2- cups chicken stock
  • 1 or (1/2)- teasponns salt
  • 1/4 - teaspoons black pepper 
  • 1- teaspoons cuimin, ground
  • 2- bay leaves
  • 1- 250 ml pack thick Cream 


1- Rinse lentils well, Keep aside
2- In large post heat butter , add onion and cook until golden brown. Remove one thired of the onion and reserve for granishing.
3 Add the lentils, gralic, tomatoes, water, stock, slat, pepper, cumin and bay leaves. Bring to boil then cover and simmer 20_25 minutes until lentils are tender
4- Pure in a liquidiser. Return to pan
5 Add thick cream and heat thoroughly.
Ladle in soup bowl and granish with more cream and fried onion

             Enjoy your meal

BILL GATES a real story of succes-INIPLO

juillet 29, 2017

BILL GATES born on October 28, 1955, in Seattle,Washington He is the son of William H. Gates (born1925) and Mary Maxwell Gates born on(1929).  His father was a prominent lawyer, and his mother She was an athletic, outgoing student at the University of Washington, actively involved in student affairs and leadership,he grew up with two sisters: Kristianne(elder), and Libby(younger). bill grew up in a competitive medium family which encouraged competition; one of family visitors reported that "there was always a reward for winning and there was always a penalty for losing".The bill family gives importance to the law profession and his parents want him to become a lawyer. Regarding her religion bill and his family regularly attended a church of the Congregational Christian Churches, a Protestant Reformed denomination.

Bill joined Lakeside School(Seattle,Washington) at the age of 13 .and her the Gates story start. He began to show an interest in computer programming and what computer could do ? Specifically when a Seattle computer company offered to provide computer time for the students, and The Mother's Club used proceeds from the school's rummage sale to purchase a teletype terminal for students to use.
Gates entranced with terminal and he spent many hours working on it finally He wrote a tic-tac-toe program in BASIC computer language that allowed users to play against the computer.

Bill will meat PAUL ALLEN, Allen was more reserved and shy, he is very different compared with  Bill. but, The two became fast friends, bonding on their common enthusiasm over computers, both of them spend her free time on creating new programs and get more experience.They always quarreled about who worked on the school computer, During this friendship time, Gates developed a payroll program for the computer company the boys hacked into, and a scheduling program for the school.The two have a long friendship, during which they worked on several projects such as traf-o-data He was working on reading the raw data from roadway traffic counters and create reports for traffic engineers, they get and $20,000 for their efforts. At that time Bill and Allen wanted to start their company, but Bill's parents confirmed that he should finish school and go on to college where they hoped he would work to become a lawyer

in 1973 with score of 1590 out of 1600 on the Scholastic Aptitude Tests, Bill graduated from Lakeside School, He enrolled at Harvard University in the fall to study a law, but he left Harvard after two years Because of his lack of commitment to the course because he spent most of his time in the computer lab
In the summer of 1974, After a communicated with PAUL ALLEN again, joined him at Honeywell 
Allen read an article on (Popular Electronics magazine featuring) about the Altair 8800 mini-computer kit,kit, the two liked the idea, especially that this computer could make toward personal computing, Gates and Allen contacted the Altair company (Micro Instrumentation and Telemetry Systems -MITS), And they told them that they can create a BASIC software program that would run the Altair computer after a period, the boys received a letter from Ed Roberts MITS president asked for demonstrates, In the next two months Both competed in writing the software in Harvard's computer lab, when they finished Allen travel to Albuquerque, New Mexico (MITS Company Headquarters), To show them their software. finally Allen was hired at MITS and Gates soon left Harvard to work with him.
On April 4, 1975, the two friends will create a company called Microsoft, a mixture of "microcomputer" and "software".
But ,he has trouble marketing of Microsoft specifically when some computer hobbyist using it without paying for him because it's easy to distribute 
1978-Gates was only 23.and he becomes the president of Microsoft, which grossed $2.5 million 
bill exploited the chance of the development which know the computer industry at that time, specifically with companies like Apple, Intel, and IBM. To develop the merits of Microsoft Software applications
 1981-High revenues of the Microdoft from 4Milion $ to 16Milion $
1981-1983 Microsoft gained international fame ,with offices in Great Britain and Japan, and with 30 % percent of the world's computers running on its the same year allen left the company because of his sick
In 1985 Microsoft launched Windows 

 In 1987 The company's shares rose from 21$ per share to 90,75$ per shares, Bill Gates became a billionaire 
by the time. Microsoft gained a reputation as a ruthless company, and relied on new ways to market their programs. Bill himself oversaw the production of all new applications and programs, that's what show that he hardly worked.AT his grew-up Microsoft was the target of software piracy, but BILL GATES always saved the situation.
BILL GATES marriage
 Gates married Melinda French(January 1, 1994; he was 38 and she was 29) in a private ceremony held in , Hawaii 
 Melinda French was General Manager of Information Products
 Melinda and Bill Gates have three children: daughters, Jennifer Katharine Gates (1996) and Phoebe Adele Gates ( 2002), and son Rory John Gates (1999)
 After growing older he no longer works in the company always ,His last full day at Microsoft was June 27, 2008

  Dear readers, we arrived to the end of this bill gates story, really, it's a very interesting story of an ambitious young man then a successful business man then richest one in the world.Dear readers Defend your ideas and work hard to improve your self

Top 5 famous indian celebration- INIPLO

juillet 28, 2017
   Indian celebrations are among the oldest celebrations in the world. India is characterized by great diversity religious, because of the large population density, the important thing is that Indian celebrate through the year, there are some things happening each day. however the top five famous celebrations are (Diwali-Wedding Processions-Kumbh Mela-Dussehra & Durga Puja-hole) so let's discover each one
1 Diwali October 19, 2017

 Fondly dubbed the ‘Festival of Lights’, Diwali is an upbeat Hindu festival celebrated across India over fi ve cheerful days. Homes and businesses are decked out with glittering lights and there’s a surfeit of fi reworks, crackers and sweets.

2 Wedding Processions

     Wedding processions swiftly transform dusty streets into a swirl of colour. The groom, usually riding a white horse, is flanked by a small army   of family and friends who sing and dance to the beat of a lively brass band

3 Holi  March 13, 2017


  Heralding the arrival of spring, Holi is certainly one of India’s most rambunctious celebrations. During this happy Hindu Festival of Colors merrymakers playfully douse one another with water and coloured powder. Bonfires symbolise the demise of the wicked demons, Holika

4 Dussehra & Durga Puja (Sixth day of Ashwin shukla paksha) 26 September - 30 September (2017)

These auspicious Hindu festivals; falling in the Indian calendar of Asvina) celebrate the triumph of good over evil; the former commemorates Lord Rama’s victory over the demon Ravana; the latter honours goddess Durga’s conquest over the demon Mahishasura

  5 Kumbh Mela

These auspicious Hindu festivals; falling in the Indian calendar of Asvina) celebrate the triumph of good over evil; the former commemorates Lord Rama’s victory over the demon Ravana; the latter honours goddess Durga’s conquest over the demon Mahishasura
This colossal Hindu festival takes place four times every 12 years at four different locations across central and northern India. Attracting tens of millions of Hindu pilgrims (and spectators), the Kumbh Mela is the largest religious congregation on the planet

Lasagna The Italian oldest pasta-INIPLO

juillet 28, 2017
  It's one of the oldest Italian pasta, lasagna refers to a dish made with several layers of lasagne sheets alternated with sauces and other ingredientsWhat we wait for, let's cook lasagna


  White Sauce     

1 package lasagna
2 tablespoons butter
2 tablespoons corn oil
1/3 cup flour
2  cups milk
1 250 ml pack thick cream
1 teaspoon salt
1/4  teaspoon white pepper


2-tablespoons butter
500-grams ground beef
1-medium onion,chopped
1_3-cloves gralic,minced
1/4 -cup tomato paste
2-medium tomatoes,peeled,chopped
1_(1/2)-teaspoons slat
1/4-teaspoons black pepper
1-teaspoons cumin
1-teaspoons coriander
1-teaspoons basil,ground
1-teaspoons oregano,ground
1/2-cup water
1-cup mozzarella cheese


1- heat oven until I 70 C, butter a medium baking dish. keep aside.
2- White sauce: In a medium casserole, heat butter and oil, add flour and cook until light golden. stir in milk, thick cream, salt and pepper. Cook on low heat until sauce is thick and creamy
3-Filling: melt butter in large saucepan, cook beef until dry, Add onion, garlic and cook until onion is transparent.ADD tomato paste, tomatoes, salt, pepper, cumin, coriander, basil and oregano, stir well. Add water and simmer until sauce is thick. Set aside.
4- Spreadonc cup beef sauce in bottom of the baking dish. Top with a few lasagna slices, arranged lengthwise in a single layer; spoon some white sauce on top, Repeat this two or three times Sprinkle with mozzarella.
5-bake 30-35 minutes or until lasagne is tender and top is golden.
    serve hot

                                  Enjoy your meal-   

TOP five best movies to watch on 2017-INIPLO

juillet 27, 2017

     1-GET OUT

  film by Jordan Peele, premiered at the Sundance Film Festival on January 24, 2017, and was theatrically released in the United States on February 24 by Universal Pictures, it's a terrifying film that deals with racism in a clever way. The film, starring Daniel Kaluuya, Allison Williams, Bradley Whitford, Caleb Landry Jones, Stephen Root, Keith Stanfield and Catherine Keener, The film tells a love story between a young, black, Chris (British actor Daniel Kaluuya) with white girl Rose (Girls star Allison Williams), which invites Chris for meeting her parents on weekends,When he arrives at the house,the welcome is warm from Rose’s mother, but her father barely controls his nerves. After that ,CHRIS find difficult to cope with the family because of their racism.
  The film has grossed $252 million worldwide against its $4.5 million budget

Butternut Squash Salad - INIPLO

juillet 27, 2017


1 lb butternut squash, cubed
2 tbsp olive oil
1 tsp sea salt
 ½ tsp black pepper
2 red onions, sliced
2 tbsp thyme leaves
1 cup feta cheese, cubed
1 cup arugula

For the dressing:

3 tbsp balsamic vinegar
1 tbsp maple syrup
½ tsp sea salt


   Preheat the oven to 400°F/200°C and line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Toss the butternut squash cubes in the olive oil then bake in the oven for 5 minutes. Add the red onion, salt, black pepper and thyme to the tray then cook for further 10-15 minutes. Make the dressing by whisking together the ingredients then getnyl heating in a saucepan for 3-4 minutes. Remove the squash and onion from the oven, toss with the feta cubes and drizzle with the warm dressing. Serve on the arugula while warm.

toop 5 fun activities you can do trough summer 2017 - INIPLO

juillet 27, 2017
The people's favorite season, which people rest after a year of hard work or studying, and many persons eagerly awaiting summer to break the daily routine of life and get some funny, and to restore the energy and vitality to start another year of serious work. For this, many people plan before long to spend a wonderful summer, Some of them choose to travel, others prefer the beach..., but most of them choose same hobbies. So what are ideal activities we can do for this summer? Let's discover
 1-swimming and surfing : Due to the high summer temperature people prefer the beach to spend their few vacation days,where they enjoy with Landscapes of the sea , and  They take advantage of the opportunity to swim and play surfing and water's playing
     best health benefits of swimming during the summer:
           -Move the entire body to resist water
           -Maintains heart rate
           -Develop endurance and fitness
           - Stabilization of blood pressure

  One of the most popular activities. After selected an ideal location to camping which corresponds with security standards, You need only a tent that protect you from insects and cold, with a collection of Necessary cooking supplies (Knife, Frying pan, Stove...).
people chose camping due to his many benefits (Fresh Air, enjoying with tell a story, Socialization, Exercise, Less Stress Healthy Food Decreases Depression and Anxiety).                                      
     But during camping you should take more Safety procedures such as:
-Keep a bottle of water on hand at all times to avoid dehydration
- Stay at a safe distance from animals, avoid feeding animals, and do not come between animals and their young.
-Are exposed to the sun’s UV rays during camping trips. It’s important to apply sunscreen
-respect the location
- going in groups and avoid individual camping

 A few people choose to spend summer on to discover location and pick-up photo, they can travel from country to another just to find a wonderful location Like a waterfall, scenery Sunset, Mountains.. . Most of them prefer Asian countries (India,Chine. Thailand) because of their rich nature and their population


juillet 16, 2017
    We all know who is Donald trump. yes trump is the new president of United States of America he had won the 2016 USA elections! but there are a many things about trump just a few people know it.After my careful search about trump's life, I write this article.So let's discover How is S. Trump?
  Donald Jhon trump, or the current president of United States Of America.he was born on the 14 June 1946 in New York City exactly in Queens, her father calls FREDERICK CHIRST 'Fred'trump and her Mother calls MARY ANNE trump, and he has 3 brothers (Maryanne, Fred, Robert) and only sister (Elisabeth),he grew up in Jamaica Estates and stay on FRODHAM Universtay, but after 2 years, in the third years on FRODHAM trump transferred to the Wharton school to continue her study because he offered one of the few estate studies departments in that period
   how he became a president?: he had won in the USA presently elections in this year, after defeated 16 on her opponents in the primaries, and he takes over the presidency from the BARACK OBAMA in the White house on the 20 January 2017.
   trump's religion: Trump's ancestors were Lutherans. The strange thing in His thoughts about religion is always said that he does not ask God for forgiveness. He stated: "I think if I do something wrong, I just try and make it right. I don't bring God into that picture.
  Trump's Family: Trump married for the first time on 7 April 1997, with IVANA Zelnickova. and have 3 children with her Donald. JR (born on 31/12/1977), ERIC (born on 6/1/1984) and daughter IVANKA (born on 30/10/1977). in 1992 this Couple divorced because of trump's affair with actress MARLA MAPLES. after a year ago trump had another daughter TIFFANY with MARLA and get married to him in the same year! They were divorced in 1993 but her daughter still lives with her mom in California. the third Trump's marriage on 22 January 2005 with the Slovene model MELANIA KNAUSS and they bore Eric
  Trump's Wealth: Trump said that he was starting her one investment with a 1Milion $ get it from his father. but Now hi's 544th richest person in the world with an estimated net worth of $3.5 billion.
Trump's health: in 2016 DR: Harold Bornstein the Trump's director confirmed in his medical report that Trump's blood pressure, liver and thyroid function were in normal ranges. in addition, Trump himself confirmed that he has never drunk alcohol and never smoking. that's because her brother died at an early age because of her suffering from alcoholism

    Trump's awards:
_Honorary Doctor of Laws from Lehigh University in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania (1988)
_Honorary Doctor of Humane Letters from Wagner College in Staten Island, New York (2004)
_Honorary Doctor of Business Administration from Robert Gordon University in Aberdeen, Scotland (2010)
_Honorary Doctor of Business Administration from Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia (2012)
    Trump's property: 544th richest person in the world owns a lot of property totaling up to $ 4 billion, he has many companies that work in many domains, buildings, hotels, tourist resorts, private schools, golf terrains, Golf Course... get a look at the most famous Trump's property
_trump have a big collection of cars, rolls Royce (500 000$) his favorite cars

_The personal plane of Trump (35milion $)

_­Trump National Golf Club Mar a Lago in Florida (150 milion$)

_trump's tower in Manhattan (371milion$) _
_Trump wall Street Building (340milion$)

Dietray advice for a healthy pregnancy ! - INIPLO

juillet 15, 2017

        week by weekpregnancy signs start, and the wonderful news come,(*-*), congratulations to all pregnant women and we hope they are in good health.
     As we know food is the first source of energy for the bodyBut the energy needs vary from one person to anotherFor example, the energy requirements for an adult male are not the same for babies are not the same for a pregnant womanthe return for many reasons such as Age, occupation, daily jobs, sex... . So how can the pregnant women can choose her foods through her needs? What healthy foods she need?

Pregnant women should choose their foods carefully, because it can affect both their health and fetal health,and the important, is Consult her doctor for everything about her diet,for this we recommend every woman to select one doctor to Tracking him from the first week of pregnancy to birth.which gives him an appropriate diet as a result of several tests performed to detect her healthy state,but often all pregnant woman's needs same food types daily ,the list below contains some of best advices and types foods that each pregnant woman need it:
1- breakfast: start your day with a good breakfast riche en calcium,although you are not hungry, you should eat 2 foods which contain fibers: vegetables and like carrotslegumesfruits like bananas and melon...
3-Take the vitamin rich in iron and folic acid every day.
4-should include good protein sources at every meal to support the baby's growth, for example, meat, fish, eggs, cheese, milk
5-Increasing your grain consumption
6- drinking plenty of water every day
Now, we know what pregnant women should eat, but there is something else! Yes, what she should avoid !? So let's find out
1-Foods which may contain listeria bacteria such as unpasteurized milk and all refrigerated, ready-to-eat foods
2-all foods which contain salmonella. for exampele Raw eggs.
3-foods which  may contain a high levels of mercury, like some fishes types
4-If they are allergic to certain foods such as nuts should be avoided
5- Avoid Stimulants and enrgey drinks without consultation of a personal doctor
6-About alcohol, the safe option is to avoid them
   6 things should do, 6 things shouldn't do . i hope you carefully reading, and i hope you benefited . So be smart and be safe and protect your health.

     If you have any question,  any suggestion, write it on commontair ! 

3-best relaxing cities in the world - INIPLO

juillet 11, 2017

   Away from the noise of big cities ,some people choose spending summer vacation in an ideal location,where they enjoy their life and break the routine of work or study.they chooce a perfect country where they found safety and security,and search for an other life meaning , a life without political,economical and social problemes ,No doubt that all of you now asking  where they can going to heve that great enjoyment ?
dear reader in this article you find the best five relaxing cities in the world , which receives millions of tourists every month .What do we wait for ! let's  we discover it !

    1-kyots :

 -Kyoto is a Japan's city located in the island of Honshu,it was the imperial capital of Japan for more that 100,000 years ,That's why we call it now the thousand years Capital . It's area is 82,783km2 and has a population of 1 475183 people .Kyoto has a perfect climate ,it has a humid subectropical climat :( summer are hot and humid ,winters are clod withe occasional snowful)
-Kyoto  known with her several classical buddhist temples,and Shinto shrines ,also kyoto famous for its wooden houses
-Kyoto is well known also for its traditionnal festivals,which still presrver there cultural heritage (The picture below gives an idea of the name festivals and rituals they celebrate)

   2-Cherleston : 

Its the big city of south carolina state,Named as well because it's founded by CHALES TOWN (The CHARLES 2,king of england) in 1670.Its called olso THE HOLY CITY for it's peace and respect to all religions and for its numerous historic churches. In 2016 it had estameted population of 134385.about CHARLESTON's climate it has a humid suptrobical climat ,and it's known for it's rainful for all the year.
CHARLESTON is culturally rich because of many reasons :
first it's annual events , Charleston celebrates the spolito festival every year,for a 17 day of  art festival featuring over 100 performances .The Spoleto Festival is recognized internationally.second it's music and it's popular  dances (Ballin' the Jack-The geechee dances)
  - 4 Charleston's Hotels and details

     3-Phnon Pneh:

cambodias's capital ,located in the banks of the tonle sap and mekong river ,it's a densely populated city's with estameted population 2,009,264 people or 14% country's total population. in Phnon Penh the temperatures range from 22°C  to 35 °C,it has a tropical wet and dry climate.Phon Pneh has an own dialect named KHUMR, additionally that it hosts a largest annual festival it take 3 days starting on November 22 , which people celebrates by walk reversing of the flow of the Tonlé Sap river.but this festival have another face !Where, many people die each year due to 2010 seasion 348 people were crushed because of stampede

best 9 hotels in Phnon pneh:
 -Raffle Hotel Le Royal
 -InterContinental Hotel
 -Sunway Hotel
 -Rosewood Phnom
 -Hôtel Sofitel Phnom Penh Phooketra
 -Naga World Hotel
 -Sokha Phnom Penh Hotel and Residence
 -Garden City Hotel
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